Our solar system has 9 planets. Some are much bigger than the earth and some much smaller. But earth is the only
planet where life exists. The only planet where mind exists. The only planet that studies other planets. The only
planet with an urge to know more and more. Billions of humans roam around on this planet, playing different roles in the
growth of the human race. Some even follow the negative path but then that is there role. But the funniest thing is that
most of us don’t know what our role on this planet is. They don’t know why they exist. Most of us just want
to earn more & more money even when we know that money is not the thing that can give satisfaction. Many want to be
famous so that they can live after death. But rarely anybody asks the question- Why do we exist on this planet?? Are
we just meant to spend our time here, the way we want?? Just the urge to survive keeps us alive but do we know why we are
living?? The world is constantly changing. We no longer live in jungles& have used technology to make our lives
easier. We invented great things to help humans but are we using them properly?? Take the example of SMS. It was meant
to convey information more easily and cheaply but do we actually use it that way?? Why were escalators made in the shape
of stairs?? If we were to stand on them then we had lifts. Why they were given the shape of stairs?? Doesn’t
it mean that we are supposed to walk on them?? Technology was to aid humans grow but we have become it’s slaves &
forgotten the bigger question-WHY DO WE EXIST ON THIS PLANET??
The contradiction so puzzling to the ordinary
way of thinking comes from the fact that we have to use language to communicate our inner experience which in its nature transcends
linguistics --- D.T. Suzuki
Everything can’t be explained in words. If it was so easy then everybody should
have known it. Its not so easy but not so difficult too. Once you start thinking, things become more and more clear.
So we’ll try to understand it through a series of discussions.
Humans want to earn more and more money, but when
will they be satisfied?? Is earning money, the only purpose?? What if you become the richest person in the world?? What
will you do with all the money?? Enjoy?? Do you think that money can help you enjoy life?? Sorry my friend, it can’t. We
all are in a race whose finish line, we never care to find. We equate death with stopping. We do a lot of funny things. It
is the ignorance that rules our lives Our fight here is against ignorance.
These discussions will continue till
the world understands.
Send your questions at deathcold@gmail.com