If you know your history,
Then you would know where you coming from,
Then you wouldn't have to ask
Who the heck do I think I am.
Indian culture is an ancient and dynamic entity, spanning back to the very beginnings of human civilization.
Beginning with a mysterious culture along the Indus River and in farming communities in the southern lands of India, the history
of the sub-continent is one puncuated by constant integration with migrating peoples and with the diverse cultures that surround
India. Placed in the center of Asia, Indian history is a crossroads of cultures from China to Europe, and the most significant
Asian connection with the cultures of Africa.
Indian history, then, is more than just a set of unique
developments in a definable process; it is, in many ways, a microcosm of human history itself, a diversity of cultures all
impinging on a great people and being reforged into new, syncretic forms.