Nuclear warheads cry out for destruction Insanity and corruption of the universe Concentration camps
are back again Third reich is here between us
Total slaughter is only rule Kill to live, live to kill Mass
extermination, black death The corrosion of the world is done
War !!!!
The radiation corroses out faces Over
mutilated corpses we have to march Destructed empires, where s God now ? That calls himself the redeemer of the mankind
visions torment our minds Pools of blood spreaded through the world Christians cry in torment Asking for help to
their redeemer
War !!!!
The black sunset breaks out the silence The last scream of pain is heard Death
burns its victims Sending their souls to hell Feel the blade in your sacrifice Now is the time to abjure gods The
black war comes with the wind There is neither heaven nor hell, but only war
Massacring the wons Mutilating the
fools The black death empire Exterminating without mercy
War !!!!
Nuclear warheads cry out for destruction Insanity
and corruption of the universe Concentration camps are back again Third reich is here between us
Total slaughter
is only rule Kill to live, live to kill Mass extermination, black death The corrosion of the world is done